Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Best. Spring break. Ever.

It's Tuesday morning, and here I am, reminiscing about my wonderful spring break rather than doing the mountain of work I have due in the next few days. Along with napping, this seems to be my activity of choice lately- I always have such a hard time readjusting to life after Texas! As one friend put it on Facebook, "Work? Pffft... where are my chips and salsa?"
Of course, it hasn't all been chips and salsa since I last wrote. For one thing, I accepted a summer internship! It seems best not to tell you which one, since confidentiality eventually comes into almost anything legal, and I don't want to be kept mum all summer by something I disclosed now. I'll just say that I'm very relieved to have chosen and very excited about my prospects for summer- the work seems both interesting and important.

I also spent a chunk of spring break poring over my application to the Harvard Legal Aid Bureau (HLAB), our big student-run clinic for people who can't afford needed legal services. Alumni of the group include such rock stars as Michelle Obama, Supreme Court Justice Brennan, and Governor Deval Patrick, so I think it would be very exciting to join. But I'll also apply for the Law Review in May (you can't do both) and see where I come out.

Finally, our moot court competition is really heating up: my opponents' briefs were due this morning and (to mimic the way real court documents are filed) our side's response is due next Monday. My partner and I spent a lot of time tweaking our draft over break, trying to slim the page number down to the limit, but we're still about a quarter-page over and really hope our opponents leave out some argument so we can do the same! I'll find out when I pick up a copy in just a few hours- wish us luck.

All this activity is such a change from spring break, which I mostly spent hanging out with mom, catching up with friends and enjoying my wonderful baby sister. Don't worry- I remembered to take plenty of video and wouldn't dare hold out on you!

Perfect, I know! I already can't wait to be back there. But for now, it's back to the daily grind. At least I have my dreams of summer, my birthday this Friday night, and the ice cream at this afternoon's Law Review info session to get me through.

1 comment:

mimi said...

She is soooooo wonderful!!!!!!