Of course, it hasn't all been chips and salsa since I last wrote. For one thing, I accepted a summer internship! It seems best not to tell you which one, since confidentiality eventually comes into almost anything legal, and I don't want to be kept mum all summer by something I disclosed now. I'll just say that I'm very relieved to have chosen and very excited about my prospects for summer- the work seems both interesting and important.
I also spent a chunk of spring break poring over my application to the Harvard Legal Aid Bureau (HLAB), our big student-run clinic for people who can't afford needed legal services. Alumni of the group include such rock stars as Michelle Obama, Supreme Court Justice Brennan, and Governor Deval Patrick, so I think it would be very exciting to join. But I'll also apply for the Law Review in May (you can't do both) and see where I come out.
Finally, our moot court competition is really heating up: my opponents' briefs were due this morning and (to mimic the way real court documents are filed) our side's response is due next Monday. My partner and I spent a lot of time tweaking our draft over break, trying to slim the page number down to the limit, but we're still about a quarter-page over and really hope our opponents leave out some argument so we can do the same! I'll find out when I pick up a copy in just a few hours- wish us luck.
All this activity is such a change from spring break, which I mostly spent hanging out with mom, catching up with friends and enjoying my wonderful baby sister. Don't worry- I remembered to take plenty of video and wouldn't dare hold out on you!
Perfect, I know! I already can't wait to be back there. But for now, it's back to the daily grind. At least I have my dreams of summer, my birthday this Friday night, and the ice cream at this afternoon's Law Review info session to get me through.
1 comment:
She is soooooo wonderful!!!!!!
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