Monday, May 10, 2010

Big news

I apologize for not posting in so long! I'm in the middle of a long and drawn-out Housing Law and Policy paper that's sucking up every bit of my will to write.
However, I just had to make a quick update about some incredibly exciting news for the Harvard community. President Obama is naming our former Dean, Elena Kagan, to the Supreme Court today!

Dean Kagan was still around for my first semester at Harvard, making her the person who welcomed my class to the school during Orientation, poked fun at my professors at that gorgeous dinner in the rare books room at Langdell, and always shot big, warm smiles at me in the hallways during those first difficult months.

"Beloved" would be an understatement of her popularity at school, so I know I'm not alone in my joy seeing this fabulous woman achieve her biggest dream. I literally cannot wait for her to be confirmed and start bringing all her wonderful qualities to the Court.

The competition is over, and Elena won!

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